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Laurie Wofford embodies a profound respect for our planet, merging this passion with her artistic talent to protect and preserve our oceans, atmosphere, and all living entities. Her interpretive and transformative art stands as a testament to her commitment to fostering equitable education, nurturing empathy within the community, and aligning social and environmental impact into her everyday practices.


Her love for the underwater world has led her to become a committed deep-sea diver and citizen scientist for Divers Against Debris under the umbrella of the PADI Aware Foundation. A zealous preservationist and a vegan, Laurie's lifestyle champions the cultivation of awareness for sustainable living and mentorship. She extends her influence as a founding board member of multiple non-profits, including, a pioneering ocean conservation organization that embraced cryptocurrency as their primary donation platform. The organization has garnered support from key partners in the blockchain sector such as Brave Software, The Giving Block, and corporate entities like Redbull, Billabong, and Surfrider Foundation.


Laurie’s artistic versatility shines through in her paintings, employing a range of traditional mediums from acrylics to oils on canvas. Her artistry seeks to amplify the collective appreciation for our planet, coaxing creative minds to render abstract interpretations of Earth's beauty. An active athlete, private pilot, and competitive mountain biker, Laurie often finds inspiration in the serenity of nature, exploring open trails and marine life in her hometown and cherished nature sanctuary, Laguna Beach, CA.


Boasting a spirit of exploration, Laurie's entrepreneurial ventures have propelled her into the tech industry, leading multiple companies specializing in blockchain, AI/ML, and marketing. As a philanthropist, entrepreneur, and eternal student, she has a burning passion for blockchain technology, seeking out opportunities to empower others through education, promoting alignment and flourishing in all ecosystems. Laurie's drive to integrate preservation with sustainable technology is reflected in her academic success - graduating with honors in Ecological Psychology and Social Behavior from the University of California, Irvine.


Currently, Laurie serves as the CEO and founder of Minted Mosaic. An enterprise solution for organizations, artists, and non-profits, offering archive services and a community marketplace where learning and purchasing merge through gamified social experiences. 


Schizm, 2021




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